Last year I had the privilege of being involved in a Corporate 8 rowing challenge, where we had six weeks to train and get our boat over the finish line. Most of us had never even touched an oar let alone rowed before and this was the best team challenge I have ever participated in. The nursery rhyme row, row, your boat gently down the stream certainly didnt apply to us at the beginning
Working with teams in your organisation or communities can be very similar to the challenges of learning to row together as a team. Every one of us have individual skills, experiences, knowledge, competencies or physical abilities and when working within teams we are performing together to achieve shared goals or reach the finish line safely. When working or rowing as a team, following your own agenda wont work as you will stop or capsize the boat taking everyone overboard with you. It is all about timing and working together with your team and supporting those who need encouragement or further development.
I am looking forward to more rowing challenges this year and working with a lot more oar-some organisations and their teams.
by Nicky Dowling