The following karakia has been composed by Kururangi Consulting Ltd as a koha for Intepeople and Intesafety.
We partner with Abel and David Johnston from Kururangi Consulting Ltd to ensure we are aligned with the correct tikanga (cultural protocols) when we conduct our business and build relationships with our clients.
He Uruwhetu i te rangi
He Rimurimu i te tai
He Tukutuku i taku Wharekōrero
Hereherea tātou i te ao
Hereherea tātou i te pō
Hereherea ki ngā take o te wā
Tīhei Mauri Ora!
Like a constellation in the sky
Like the seaweed in the tides
Like the woven panels in my house
We are bound together in day
And together at night
Bound together by the matters of these times