What do these two things have in common?
Both high heels and pillow fights are the cause of some of the injuries that occur in the 1.7 million ACC new claims each year. These injuries can occur anywhere at anytime with over 10% or 178,141 of the total new ACC claims each year being work related injuries.
ACC have completed an ‘Injury Face-Off’ quiz below to find out:
Which do you think were involved in more injuries in 2013….
1. High Heels or Gumboots?
2. Pillow Fights or arm wrestling?
3. Air guitar or dancing the tango?
4. Elevators or escalators?
5. Cats or dogs?
6. Christmas Day or New Year’s Day?
7. Boating or golf?
8. Men or women?
9. Fishing or hunting
10. Staplers or scissors?
Scroll down for the answers; some of these may surprise you!
These claims relate to all ACC injuries but a large number of these (maybe not dancing the tango) have the potential to occur in your workplace.
ACC have some simple tips to help us Kiwis prevent injuries occurring in your workplace, your home and on the road:
At home and work:
• Wipe up spills as soon as they happen
• Run power cords along walls, not across walkways
• Fasten loose rugs and mats to the floor
On the road:
• Don’t exceed posted speed limits
• Don’t drink and drive
• Drive to conditions
And in case you are wondering, here are the answers to the quiz:
1. High heels, 780 claims (Gumboots, 741 claims)
2. Pillow fights, 45 claims (Arm wrestling, seven claims)
3. Dancing the tango, 15 claims (Air guitar, zero claims)
4. Escalators, 447 claims (Elevators, 85 claims)
5. Dogs, 18,461 claims (Cats, 6451 claims).
6. New Year’s Day, 5,251 claims (Christmas Day 3,119 claims).
7. Golf, 6,482 claims (Boating, 3,309 claims)
8. Men, 959,509 claims (Women, 824,562 claims)
9. Fishing, 2,976 claims (Hunting, 1,306 claims)
10. Scissors, 1,098 claims (Staplers, 528 claims)
All claims are costing ACC $7 million daily. Then there is all the additional costs to your organisation or yourself if you are injured and unable to work.
....So next time you pick up a stapler or put on your favourite pair of gumboots or high heels be careful out there! - Help save New Zealanders’ money – taxpayers, employers, employees alike with a little planned consideration, prevention and care at both home and the workplace!!