A changing workforce: the new gig economy 


A Changing Workforce: The New Gig Economy 

We live in a time of profound change and disruption. Our brains are not wired to deal with this - we think in a way about continuous improvement with small changes.

We don’t imagine that things can change so quickly.

The world of work is part of this rapid change. Robotics, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and 3D printing are all changing the way we work.  This current dynamic environment is also amplifying the trend towards the gig economy.

What is the gig economy?

The gig economy is where employers contract freelancers to complete a certain job, as opposed to hiring permanent employees.  This offers certain flexibility and freedom for both the businesses and the individual.

Initially, the growth in the gig workforce came in the form of Uber drivers and food delivery. This has changed as specialists such as engineers, financial managers and data analysts join the freelancing economy.

Businesses can hire specialists to complete specific tasks/projects, undertake an interim role or provide input at a strategic level.  They may decide to do this as they can access skills they could normally not afford or they do not require these skills on a permanent basis.

The current pandemic could prove to be a pivotal point in the 'gigification' of knowledge work, as businesses are attracted by the prospects of the cost savings that the gig economy model offers.

For the gig worker, there are also benefits

People who chose to work independently are typically more satisfied - and not only because of greater flexibility.

They are more engaged in their work versus traditional jobholders, relish being their own boss, and enjoy greater creativity than typical nine-to-five workers.

How do you access a gig worker?

For businesses, securing gig workers still comes with its challenges if you do not know where to find them or cannot be sure if they have the expertise they claim to or if will they be the right fit for your team.  

Intepeople can support businesses with the recent launch of Integig - a platform that brings capabilities and businesses together faster with a hassle-free approach.

Integig Gig Economy Contractors

Contact Rosie to enquire, or find out more about our Integig Executive Contracting service here.


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