
Recently I hit a wall in terms of my energy and enthusiasm. I have been going hard out working with companies in major growth mode, dedicating most of my waking hours getting the people side of these companies sorted so they can deliver their promises to customers and the community.

Dealing with people day in and day out can be extremely rewarding, finding jobs for people can be life changing – but it can also be exhausting.

A wise man once said to me - when you are in HR dealing with change issues, you give a little of yourself every time you interact with people during this process.

So be kind to yourself.  Stay in a state of mindfulness. For some it’s all encompassing and for others its water off a ducks back. Which one are you?

The main take on all this is to work on BALANCE.



Make sure you can train your mind to relax and take time to do things you enjoy EVERY DAY not on the weekends.

Stop and smell the roses, spring is here.

Remember that if you are grumpy at work you are probably grumpy at home…

And for all those small business owners check out this article: Burnout Risk

By Emma Worseldine

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