
Having a recruitment business can have its challenges. One of the most difficult is convincing a client to take a punt on a candidate that you know from their background and experience  are  going to add  real value to that company, possibly in ways even the client may not have even contemplated despite them  not always fitting 100% the job spec.
We are not conventional recruiters who always tend to take a rear vision mirror approach and back candidates solely on past experience and skills. We tend to suggest ‘a look through the windscreen’ or more forward thinking approach to clients for certain roles and encourage them to be more open minded and  hire candidates with the potential and promise to offer so much more than the job at hand. This approach will often give new vitality and fresh energy and enable the company’s performance to leap frog the ‘present’ and provide future transformational opportunities in both company performance and culture.
I read with interest this article below which, in a nutshell, typifies the scenario we occasionally face particularly with companies who have operated only in the  local market, possibly  do not realise how good their  company could be, are simply trapped in not knowing what they don’t know or just happy with their lot.

Often we encounter similar situations to these that returning Kiwis are experiencing… some employers  not wanting to hire someone smarter or more capable than themselves for fear of being shown up, possibly perceiving candidates like this to be too big for the role or too high maintenance, a belief they may bore easily and leave after a short time, or presuming these people are coming back for an easy life. These assumptions generally underestimate the desire and motivation of individuals with such global experience moving into the region.
Whilst living and working in the corporate world is undoubtedly very different to working in heartland kiwi companies, the experience and learnings offered through such individuals are usually gold and provide amazing power to confront future issues. There is little doubt in our mind that the ‘brain gain’ should be leveraged and harnessed. Experience has shown when this power is unleashed new and exciting opportunities open up.
Brain gain is a no brainer in our view and for a country that has suffered massive amounts of brain drain over the last few decades a chance to get one or two back!

by Paul Bell

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Brannigans Locations

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