As a very recent convert to Twitter to support Nelsons #gigatownnsn competition (and really enjoying supporting this) there have been numerous tweets and conversation streams in regards to what the future will hold with technology for employers.
Technological advances, breakthrough technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) are moving forward at light speed and particularly in HR Information Systems (HRIS). There are more and more HRIS services being developed and accessible through cloud based systems including online solutions for:
# Recruitment # Engagement Survey’s
# Induction # Talent Management
# Performance Management # Payroll
# Learning and Development # Remuneration Management
# Talent Profiling # Workforce Planning
# 360 Degree Feedback # Company Social Media Forums
# Exit Analytics
And before I can even get this blog posted there will be more…..
As an employer there is a fine balance between improving technological efficiencies for your organisation while still attracting and maintaining an engaged workforce. If you are implementing new solutions then these need to be accessible to all, easy to use and time efficient with tangible benefits to the organisation. You don’t want to add ‘police enforcer’ to your Job Description to ensure your employees use this technology; neither do you want to put off new people applying if your application process for candidates is cumbersome and time-consuming.
There is a financial investment as well as time and resources when implementing and maintaining a new HRIS system. However the benefits to you as an organisation in supporting your business strategy especially as your workforce becomes increasingly mobile can be a win win for all.
With a new generation of workforce who are very tech savvy and connected 24/7, your new employees will not only be expecting but also wanting online solutions in their workforce. An increasing profile on social media by your organisation is now also expected. (TWITTER, FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN GOOGLE PLUS )
When was the last time you reviewed your HR processes and systems? What are you doing to make sure your organisation is not becoming antiquated?
Please join Intepeople and get involved to support Gigatown Nelson to be the first town in NZ to win 1 GBPS internet speed.
- Register and sign up to support at, and activate using the link in an email sent to you and then choose "Nelson"
- Complete the final Quiz here (Use the links to the clues underneath each question)
- Join the twitter conversation as we need more tweeters before Tuesday Nov 11 2014 at midday. Use the hahstag #gigatownnsn to make them count and tweet about the competition, about connected technology or Nelson pride. Learn here how get started on twitter:
- Enter some of the great competitions to win: